Getting home and looking through all my photos makes me miss it so much and the incredible time I had. Soaked up so much while much laziness, shopping ( probably too much shopping!) yummy food, fun car rides and just hanging out.
This scenery just gets me every time. Those majestic mountains are just so incredible. I think I took just a few too many pictures of the mountains.
This was the first trip I'd ever taken with out my camera. I almost felt lost without at and half way through the trip was kinda mad at myself for not bringing it, but it allowed me to enjoy it in a different way and for the most part I'm glad I did. And besides, taking pictures with a phone is fun get such a different perspective than you do with a camera.
So summer pretty much feels like it's over now. I loved summer - every moment of it, but I'm ready for fall ~ I say bring it on!