It's tradition around here to make gingerbread houses out of graham crackers with the kiddos the day after thanksgiving....we turn up the Christmas tunes and go at it and make one big mess! Gotta love frosting and candy strewn all over the kitchen! ( I'm still finding frosting stuck to my clothes hours later!) But it's such a fun time, and I love it so much...it's so worth the mess! ( oh, and that little pink house in the picture is the one I made with all the left over candy, which btw, way there wasn't much of. Ha!)
So now we're into the Christmas season. I'm not too excited yet, but I'm sure I will be soon. Yesterday was such a lovely day...didn't do much but eat and play with the kiddos, but lots of special memories! How was your thanksgiving?
I'm off to pack for spending the weekend with friends! Happy weekend!